Study: Use of "Latinx" term driving Latino's to vote for Trump
"not driven by concerns...that Latinx is a bourgeois, coastal, white imposition on working-class Latinos"
Latino’s who are offended by the term “Latinx” were more likely to vote for Trump in 2016 and 2020 according to a new study, not because they were “driven by concerns related to respect for the Spanish language or anti-intellectual beliefs” but based upon “queer-phobic attitudes.”
Put more succinctly, according to the study authors, Latinos who don’t abide by the divisive language of the far Left are bigots for not voting for Democrats.
Authors Amanda Sahar d’Urso of Georgetown University and Harvard’s Marcel F. Roman, applied an “Identity-Expansion-Backlash Theory” to assert that the reaction is not driven by the possibility “that Latinx is a bourgeois, coastal, white imposition on working-class Latinos”
Ohhhhhhh, noooooooo, it couldn’t possibly be that Latinx is a bourgeois, coastal, white imposition on working-class Latinos.
But it could be that Latinx is a Marxists term born from critical race theory?
An Identity-Expansion-Backlash Theory explains “how politically relevant groups may respond to the use of more inclusive group labels by politicians. Inclusive group labels are group labels that include new group members or make salient an underrepresented segment of the broader group category typically referred to by a preexisting, established, and relatively well-accepted label.”
It must be, in the eyes of the authors, Latino’s who don’t agree with the entire LBGTQ+ agenda are motivated by hate.
The authors draw a parallel to the phrase people of color: “Black Americans may dislike the use of phrases like ‘people of color’ to refer to them since it perceptibly broadens the scope of who is being discussed and represented, potentially undercutting an explicit focus on Black political interests.”
According to Google trends “Latinx” went from almost unheard of in 2015 to a peak in August of 2020 and has since been on decline in the past few years indicating that Democrats understand the electoral damage.
Commonwealth Beacon: “Roman said Democrats appear to have recognized the electoral costs that may come with use of the term Latinx. “The Democratic Party has kind of course corrected,” he said, with Harris and Biden not using the term since early 2021. “The Democratic Party at the national level recognized it may do more harm than good,” he said. But Roman said some “damage may be done” already in terms of the association of the term with Democrats.”